
Since 1972, Conservation Halton has administered a regulation passed under the Conservation Authorities Act. This regulation is intended to prevent loss of life and property damage as a result of natural hazards as well as to protect and restore the ecosystem in sensitive natural areas. The current regulation administered by Conservation Halton is Ontario Regulation 41/24. Through this regulation, permission from Conservation Halton is required for most works in and adjacent to:

  • 水道
  • 洪泛区
  • 陡峭的山坡
  • valley lands
  • meander belts
  • 安大略湖岸边
  • 湿地
  • 危险的土地

Permission from Conservation Halton is required to develop in an area regulated by Conservation Halton. If it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of Conservation Halton that the development activity, alteration or interference is not likely to affect the control of flooding, erosion, dynamic beaches, or unstable soil and bedrock, and the activity is not likely to create conditions or circumstances that, in the event of a natural hazard, might jeopardize the health or safety of persons or result in the damage or destruction of property; Conservation Halton may grant permission.

Development activity is defined in Ontario Regulation 41/24 to mean:

  • 建造、重建、竖立或放置任何种类的建筑物或结构(例如,所有建筑物,包括附属的非居住结构,如凉亭、露台、储藏室、码头、楼梯、挡土墙等)。
  • 对建筑物或结构的任何改变,会改变建筑物或结构的用途或潜在用途,增加建筑物或结构的面积或增加建筑物或结构中的居住单位数量
  • 场地平整
  • 暂时或永久地放置、倾倒或移走源自场地或其他地方的任何材料

Online mapping shows the approximate areas that Conservation Halton regulates but it is always best to contact Conservation Halton to confirm if the works you are proposing will require a permit. This way, we can let you know if your property or activity is regulated by Conservation Halton and whether your proposal requires permission. If permission is required, we will assist you through the permit review process. You can send an email to envserv@hrca.on.ca or contact the staff responsible for the municipality of your property:


Halton Hills






General Inquiries & General Assistance

请注意,来自Conservation Halton的许可并不能取代市政当局或其他机构,如尼亚加拉悬崖委员会所要求的其他许可。我们建议你与当地市政府联系,了解可能需要的其他批准的信息。


It is strongly recommended that you contact Conservation Halton prior to submitting an application for permit, so that we can provide you with direction on the information, studies and fees that will be needed for the application, as well as the timeline required to review your application. To facilitate the pre-consultation meeting, you should submit as much information about your proposed works as possible prior to the meeting (e.g., concept plan, when and how work will take place, etc.)


Once a pre-consultation meeting occurs and a permit application is submitted, we will either confirm that the application is complete, or provide you with a written list of missing or incomplete information. We will provide this confirmation within 21 days. Once all information has been submitted and the application is deemed complete, we aim to complete a review of the application within four weeks. However, under certain circumstances, review times may be longer.



We will work with all applicants to ensure that your proposal meets the requirements of the Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 41/24.



When the technical review and site visits have been completed, Conservation Halton staff prepare recommendations for decision. If the proposal meets the approved policies by the Conservation Halton Board, staff can issue permission. Applications that do not meet these policies will be taken to the Board with a staff recommendation. Applications that are deemed to be complete and conform to approved policies are generally processed quickly and a decision is made within 30 days. The legislated timeframe for Conservation Halton to issue a permit is 90 days.


For applications that do not meet approved policies by the Conservation Halton Board and staff recommendations denial or if the applicant objects to conditions of approval, a hearing will be scheduled in accordance with Hearing Procedures. Under the terms of the Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 41/24, the Conservation Halton Board acts as the Hearing Board. The Hearing Board is empowered by law to make a decision and governed by the Statutory Powers and Procedures Act.

Additional information regarding administrative appeal rights (O. Reg. 41/24, s.8), and new provisions for reconsideration of permit application fees (Conservation Authorities Act s.21.2 (13-21)) will be provided as part of the next website update.





  • 填好并签署的许可证申请表格
  • 申请费的支付
  • 显示发展类型和位置的区域平面图或/和拟议改建的平面图和横截面细节
  • 发展项目完成后任何建筑物和结构的拟议用途
  • 发展的开始和完成日期
  • 现有建筑物的标高(如果有的话)和等级,以及开发后建筑物的拟议标高和等级
  • 开发前和开发后的排水细节
  • 对拟放置或倾倒的填料类型的完整描述
  • 其他技术研究或计划


  • 发送电子邮件- 我们可以通过电子邮件、视频会议、电话或当面交流,但最好先通过电子邮件联系。如果有任何问题,或者你想安排一个虚拟会议或电话会议的时间,请发电子邮件给我们。你应该继续直接与你在规划和法规团队的联系人联系,以了解你的文件的具体事项。一般性的询问可以直接发送到envserv@hrca.on.ca。
  • 数码提交 - 数码提交是首选,可以通过电子邮件提交。较大的文件也可以使用Dropbox(见下面的过程)。保护哈尔顿的许可证和通信将通过电子邮件发布。
  • Dropbox- 已经为大型规划和许可证提交设立了一个Dropbox账户。我们将为申请人提供一个链接和密码,以便上传数字材料。
  • 减少文件大小--鉴于我们收到的数字提交文件的数量,以及与大多数规划或许可提交文件相关的数据量,在可能的情况下,对文件进行压缩是有帮助的(即减少PDF和AutoCAD文件的大小并创建压缩文件)。将大型技术报告分解成独立的部分(即主要报告应与附录分开),并将大型计划或数字与报告分开发送,也是有帮助的。请使用简短的文件名,明确标识文件内容。
  • 对文件进行优先排序 - 如果你能对你的文件进行优先排序,并确定对你的业务至关重要的需求,是很有帮助的,所以请让我们知道你是否有某些文件希望我们集中注意。
  • 电子支付- 信用卡或电子资金转账(EFT)是许可证和规划文件的首选支付方式。工作人员可以提供关于如何进行这些付款的指导。(请注意,没有适用的审查费,我们无法处理任何申请。)
  • 规划审查--新的规划申请由我们的市政合作伙伴分发到保护哈尔顿,不应直接提交给保护哈尔顿(电子支付除外)。所有的审查机构都应该在随后的提交中被复制,以确保每个机构都在审查相同的信息。数字提交是首选,应包括所有需要的信息。
  • 前期技术审查--为加快审查速度,我们建议在提交正式规划或许可申请(如EIR/FSS、SIS)之前完成大型技术审查。我们还可以与土地所有者合作,确定特定地点的环境限制和机会(例如,洪泛区建模审查,湿地水平衡评估)。技术审查费将适用。
  • 现场检查- 我们可以完成现场检查。参与者必须遵守公共卫生要求(例如,物理距离、戴口罩等)。在某些情况下,我们可能会考虑替代方案以加快现场检查,如无人机飞越视频和/或照片。我们鼓励土地所有者与工作人员联系,以便我们可以讨论视频是否适合特定的地点或工程。

CH’s fees fall into three discrete categories: 1) fees for permit applications under the Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 41/24; 2) fees for planning applications under the Planning Act; and 3) fees for technical reviews and miscellaneous services not associated with permit or planning applications. Review fees are to enable CH to deliver good customer service, provide timely reviews, and respond to the increases in file volumes experienced in the past few years. CH has a Board approved a target recovery rate of 100% to cover the costs associated with CH’s review of planning and permit applications.

2023 Permit Fee Schedule

In order to provide permitting and planning services, Conservation Halton has an interdisciplinary team that works together to deliver comprehensive reviews. Our commitment to client service has been supported by the Conservation Halton Board. Updates to the Client Service Policy were required to incorporate new Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 41/24 service standards


  1. Ensure compliance with approvals associated with the Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 41/24.
  2. 确保报告的或发现的违规行为得到及时和具有成本效益的解决。
  3. 当违法行为是故意的,而且土地所有者不愿意解决违法行为时,就进行法律程序,提出指控。
  4. 教育公众了解保护组织的监管作用和责任,并就前进的道路提供指导。



When a landowner is unwilling to enter into an agreement and where, in the opinion of staff, the unauthorized development is likely to affect the control of flooding, erosion, dynamic beaches, or unstable soil and bedrock, and the activity is likely to create conditions or circumstances that, in the event of a natural hazard, might jeopardize the health or safety of persons or result in the damage or destruction of property; more formal actions are considered.


A contravention of the Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 41/24 may occur when:

  • activities to straighten, change, divert or interfere in any way with the existing channel of a watercourse, activities to change or interfere in any way with a wetland, or development, activities have taken place beyond what was approved by Conservation Halton
  • activities to straighten, change, divert or interfere in any way with the existing channel of a watercourse, activities to change or interfere in any way with a wetland, or development activities which require approval have occurred without written permission from Conservation Halton

当确定有违规行为时,Conservation Halton工作人员将尽一切努力与土地所有者和/或代理人合作,通过合规程序清除和/或恢复受影响的区域。如果土地所有者和/或代理人不愿意解决问题,Conservation Halton可以提出指控并启动法庭程序。

If convicted, the person(s) committing the offence may be subject to a fine up to $50,000 or to a term of imprisonment of not more than three months. In addition, the development, interference or alteration may be required to be removed at the expense of the landowner. The landowner may also be required to rehabilitate the impacted area in a manner prescribed by the courts.
