The majority of natural area in the watershed is owned and managed by private landowners, so the health of our communities and environment depend on their efforts. The Water Quality and Habitat Improvement Program is a funding incentive program that supports landowners who are carrying out projects that contribute to water and habitat quality. Project types that are considered for this program include:
- 农业最佳管理实践
- 溪流修复
- 植树造林
- 草地创建/加强
- 湿地恢复
- 雨水保护
- 入侵植物管理
If the project you are interested in cannot be found on this list, but still has water quality or habitat benefits, please contact us at stewardship@hrca.on.ca. We will let you know whether or not the project can be submitted for review.
This annual financial support program receives applications until Thanksgiving of the year prior for projects planned in the upcoming year. Submissions are reviewed and evaluated by the Project Technical Advisory Committee using the following attributes:
- 该项目是否针对水质损害?
- 该项目是否解决了生境损害问题?
- 该项目是否有助于改善水质?
- 该项目是否有助于改善生境质量?
- 项目是否与自然区相邻或接近?
- 该项目是否提高了公众对水质和生境问题或机会的认识?
Landowners interested in financial support for their project are required to consult with Restoration staff prior to submitting their proposal. Contact the Restoration team at stewardship@hrca.on.ca.
*Please note that a site visit with Restoration staff is required before applying to the Water Quality and Habitat Improvement Program.
- 至少要种植500棵树才有资格
- 至少有0.5英亩的空地可供种植。
- 愿意保护树木免受牲畜、野生动物和机械的损害
- 有能力支付补贴后的植树剩余费用
- 符合条件的项目类型包括造林、河岸、防风和恢复。
- 愿意签署15年的协议,说明你在种植后至少15年内不会砍伐、收获或以其他方式从种植区移除树木。
Conservation Halton can also help you access and apply to funding programs to reduce the cost of tree planting. There is funding available from several sources, including the 50 Million Tree Program from Forest Canada and the 2 Billion Tree Program from the Government of Canada.
拥有4公顷(9.88英亩)或更多的森林土地,并同意为其财产准备和遵守森林管理计划的土地所有者可以享受管理森林税收优惠计划。根据该计划,土地所有者将其财产的森林部分进行评估,并将其归类为 "管理森林",并按住宅物业的市政税率的25%征税。
Most of our infrastructure has been designed to move water through our urban landscape as quickly as possible. As a result, creeks and other bodies of water are overwhelmed with the amount of water and suspended particulates during rainfall and snowmelt. The Rainwater Conservation Fund supports urban landowner projects, greenhouse projects, and nursery projects that divert and infiltrate rainwater into the ground on the landowners property.
Eligible projects include:
- 生物沼泽
- 渗透沟
- 渗水坑/雨水花园
- Clean water diversion
- 蓄水/储水系统
- 滞留盆地
- 透水路面/铺路者
- 展示保留、渗透或保护雨水的项目
Landowners are eligible to receive a grant of up to $7,500.
Please note: funding availability and rate varies each year.
In an effort to address source water quality issues within the Hamilton Harbour watershed and in partnership with the Province of Ontario, funding is available for the following areas in 2024 and 2025:
- Burlington (Aldershot, Brant Hills, Pleasantview, Tyandaga, and part of North Burlington)
- Hamilton (Millgrove, Waterdown)
- Connect with Restoration staff for a free site visit to determine eligibility.
- 完成雨水保护基金的申请,并通过电子邮件提交到stewardship@hrca.on.ca
Applications will be received and reviewed at the end of each month. In the case of reaching annual funding limitations, applications received within the same month will be ranked and funded based on ecological merit.
居民可以通过 "住宅私人水井停用补助金"申请补助金,以支持他们财产上水井的停用。该补助金包括总费用的50%,每口井的最高金额为1000美元。
居民可以通过 "井口废弃计划 "申请补助金,以支持他们财产上的水井的退役。该补助金涵盖100%的费用,每口井最高为1000美元,由Conservation Halton负责管理。退役工作必须由有执照的油井承包商完成,才有资格申请。
- 必须遵守安大略省环境、保护和公园部(MECP)的程序,根据安大略省水资源法下的安大略省条例903,堵塞或放弃未使用的水井。
- 挖井内的钻井被视为一个项目,因此只符合一个补助金的要求。
- 承包商需要完成环境、保护和公园部的油井记录,以记录为堵住油井而采取的步骤。完成后必须向项目代表提交一份井记录的副本。
- 如果你对你提议升级的水井有现有的水井记录,请在申请表中附上一份副本。如果你没有水井记录,请看下面关于确定是否存在水井记录的指导。
- 关于有执照的水井承包商和水井记录的信息,可以在环境、保护和公园部的《安大略省有执照的水井承包商名录》中找到,或者联系水井服务台:wellshelpdesk@ontario.ca。
- 请注意,资金是不能追溯的。