Honey Harvest Days

Join Mountsberg’s beekeeper as we celebrate our hard-working bees! Get hands-on and help us harvest our sticky sweet honey. Take part in uncapping frames and try your hand at spinning the honey extractor. Bee the first to taste 2023’s honey crop. You won’t want to miss out on this truly unique experience!  $20 per person...

Event Series ریپٹر مقابلوں

ریپٹر مقابلوں

Mountsberg Park 2259 Millburough Line, Campellville, Ontario, Canada

Enjoy a tour of our Raptor Centre, learn from staff how we care for our resident raptors, and experience a raptor perching on your gloved hand. $149 per group (group max 5 people) + Gate Fee

Event Series کسان اور دوست

کسان اور دوست

Mountsberg Park 2259 Millburough Line, Campellville, Ontario, Canada

Meet some of Mountsberg's barnyard friends including goats, rabbits, sheep, and more. Learn about what they eat and how to care for them.  $10 per person + Gate Fee (under 2 no charge)

Honey Harvest Days

Join Mountsberg’s beekeeper as we celebrate our hard-working bees! Get hands-on and help us harvest our sticky sweet honey. Take part in uncapping frames and try your hand at spinning the honey extractor. Bee the first to taste 2023’s honey crop. You won’t want to miss out on this truly unique experience!  $20 per person...

Falcon Flight

Witness firsthand why falcons are known as masters of the sky as you watch our Lanner Falcon fly past you and stoop through the air. After his flight, you will get an up-close encounter and a photo opportunity. Maximum group size is 5 people. Minimum participant age is 12 years. Available on Sundays at 2:30...

Event Series سلیتھر اور کرول

سلیتھر اور کرول

Mountsberg Park 2259 Millburough Line, Campellville, Ontario, Canada

Join Conservation Halton educators on a quest to get hands-on with our favourite creatures that slither and crawl! This adventurous tour at Mountsberg Conservation Area features dip netting for tadpoles and invertebrates on the pond, sweep netting for insects in the field followed by an up-close meet and greet with one of park’s resident snakes....

Event Series Lake to Longhouse

Lake to Longhouse

Crawford Lake 3115 Conservation Rd, Milton, Ontario, Canada

وقت پر واپس سفر کریں اور کرافورڈ لیک کنزرویشن ایریا میں زمین کی تاریخ کے بارے میں جانیں اس سے بہت پہلے کہ آبادکار 15 ویں صدی کے تعمیر شدہ لانگ ہاؤس ولیج کے اس چھوٹے سے گروپ ٹور کے ذریعے پہنچے۔ لانگ ہاؤسز اور گاؤں کے باغات کو دریافت کریں اور کرافورڈ جھیل جانے سے پہلے شروع ہونے والی روایتی آگ پر اپنا ہاتھ آزمائیں۔ آپ کے پاس ہو سکتا ہے...


Honey Harvest Days

Join Mountsberg’s beekeeper as we celebrate our hard-working bees! Get hands-on and help us harvest our sticky sweet honey. Take part in uncapping frames and try your hand at spinning the honey extractor. Bee the first to taste 2023’s honey crop. You won’t want to miss out on this truly unique experience!  $20 per person...

Honey Harvest Days

Join Mountsberg’s beekeeper as we celebrate our hard-working bees! Get hands-on and help us harvest our sticky sweet honey. Take part in uncapping frames and try your hand at spinning the honey extractor. Bee the first to taste 2023’s honey crop. You won’t want to miss out on this truly unique experience!  $20 per person...

Honey Harvest Days

Join Mountsberg’s beekeeper as we celebrate our hard-working bees! Get hands-on and help us harvest our sticky sweet honey. Take part in uncapping frames and try your hand at spinning the honey extractor. Bee the first to taste 2023’s honey crop. You won’t want to miss out on this truly unique experience!  $20 per person...

Honey Harvest Days

Join Mountsberg’s beekeeper as we celebrate our hard-working bees! Get hands-on and help us harvest our sticky sweet honey. Take part in uncapping frames and try your hand at spinning the honey extractor. Bee the first to taste 2023’s honey crop. You won’t want to miss out on this truly unique experience!  $20 per person...

Event Series ٹیلون اور ٹیل فیدرز

ٹیلون اور ٹیل فیدرز

Mountsberg Park 2259 Millburough Line, Campellville, Ontario, Canada

If you’re looking to get closer to Mountsberg's raptors then you’ll love Talons & Tailfeathers. This small-group experience offers an opportunity to meet a few of our birds of prey while learning all about them. $10 per person + Gate Fee (under 2 no charge)