تالونات وريش الذيل
Mountsberg Park 2259 Millburough Line, Campellville, Ontario, CanadaIf you’re looking to get closer to Mountsberg's raptors then you’ll love Talons & Tailfeathers. This small-group experience offers an opportunity to meet a few of our birds of prey...
لقاءات رابتور
Mountsberg Park 2259 Millburough Line, Campellville, Ontario, CanadaEnjoy a tour of our Raptor Centre, learn from staff how we care for our resident raptors, and experience a raptor perching on your gloved hand. $149 per group (group...
المزارعون والأصدقاء
Mountsberg Park 2259 Millburough Line, Campellville, Ontario, CanadaMeet some of Mountsberg's barnyard friends including goats, rabbits, sheep, and more. Learn about what they eat and how to care for them. $10 per person + Gate Fee (under...
Honey Harvest Days
Join Mountsberg’s beekeeper as we celebrate our hard-working bees! Get hands-on and help us harvest our sticky sweet honey. Take part in uncapping frames and try your hand at spinning...
الانزلاق والزحف
Mountsberg Park 2259 Millburough Line, Campellville, Ontario, Canadaانضم إلى معلمي Conservation Halton في سعي للحصول على التدريب العملي على مخلوقاتنا المفضلة التي تنزلق وتزحف! تتميز هذه الجولة المغامرة في منطقة محمية ماونتسبرغ بشباك الغطس للضفادع الصغيرة ...
Lake to Longhouse
Crawford Lake 3115 Conservation Rd, Milton, Ontario, Canadaسافر إلى الوراء في الوقت المناسب وتعرف على تاريخ الأرض في منطقة محمية بحيرة كروفورد قبل وقت طويل من وصول المستوطنين من خلال هذه الجولة الجماعية الصغيرة في القرن ال 15 ...
Honey Harvest Days
Join Mountsberg’s beekeeper as we celebrate our hard-working bees! Get hands-on and help us harvest our sticky sweet honey. Take part in uncapping frames and try your hand at spinning...
Honey Harvest Days
Join Mountsberg’s beekeeper as we celebrate our hard-working bees! Get hands-on and help us harvest our sticky sweet honey. Take part in uncapping frames and try your hand at spinning...
Honey Harvest Days
Join Mountsberg’s beekeeper as we celebrate our hard-working bees! Get hands-on and help us harvest our sticky sweet honey. Take part in uncapping frames and try your hand at spinning...
خلايا النحل وأقراص العسل
Mountsberg Park 2259 Millburough Line, Campellville, Ontario, CanadaLearn about Mountsberg's honeybees, the hardest working animals in the park! View them in the observation hive and enjoy a taste of honey. $10 per person + Gate Fee (under...